Extract Data with indicators

Created at 05 Oct 2012, 10:56
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Joined 26.09.2012

Extract Data with indicators
05 Oct 2012, 10:56



Before my Algorithm runs, I would like it to extract historical data to a text file, is this possible? See this script below for MetaTrader, I want the same in CAlgo, basically, the code will extract data on a weekly basis.


Output desired:



Code in MT that needs to work in CAlgo

extern string IndExportFileName = "mt5export.csv";
extern int  trainSize = 2000;

MqlRates srcArr[];
double StochKArr[], StochDArr[], WilliamsRArr[];

void OnStart()
   ArraySetAsSeries(srcArr, true);   
   ArraySetAsSeries(StochKArr, true);   
   ArraySetAsSeries(StochDArr, true);   
   ArraySetAsSeries(WilliamsRArr, true);
   int copied = CopyRates(Symbol(), Period(), 0, trainSize, srcArr);
   if (copied!=trainSize) { Print("Not enough data for " + Symbol()); return; }
   int hStochastic = iStochastic(Symbol(), Period(), 8, 5, 5, MODE_EMA, STO_LOWHIGH);
   int hWilliamsR = iWPR(Symbol(), Period(), 21);
   CopyBuffer(hStochastic, 0, 0, trainSize, StochKArr);
   CopyBuffer(hStochastic, 1, 0, trainSize, StochDArr);
   CopyBuffer(hWilliamsR, 0, 0, trainSize, WilliamsRArr);
   int hFile = FileOpen(IndExportFileName, FILE_CSV | FILE_ANSI | FILE_WRITE | FILE_REWRITE, ",", CP_ACP);
   FileWriteString(hFile, "DATE,TIME,CLOSE,StochK,StochD,WilliamsR\n");
   Print("Exporting indicator data to " + IndExportFileName);
   for (int i=trainSize-1; i>=0; i--)
         string candleDate = TimeToString(srcArr[i].time, TIME_DATE);
         string candleTime = TimeToString(srcArr[i].time, TIME_MINUTES);
         FileWrite(hFile, candleDate, candleTime, DoubleToString(srcArr[i].close), 
                                                 DoubleToString(StochKArr[i], -10),
                                                 DoubleToString(StochDArr[i], -10),
                                                 DoubleToString(WilliamsRArr[i], -10)
   Print("Indicator data exported."); 



05 Oct 2012, 10:58

close thread

sorry posted in wrong forum.
