How to calculate margin for 1 lot?

Created at 27 Mar 2015, 19:33
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Joined 27.03.2015

How to calculate margin for 1 lot?
27 Mar 2015, 19:33


How in cAlgo to calculate margin required for 1 lot of symbol such as EURUSD??


28 Mar 2015, 08:30

Below is the code in MT4


MarginForOneLot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED);


29 Mar 2015, 09:33

One lot is 100,000 volume units.  So if you're account is in USD,  All you have to do is divide by the leverage and multiply by the exchange rate


for example (100,000*1.09)/300 


01 Apr 2015, 13:06

Hi lec0456,

Thanks for the answer. But I am looking simple way to do it in calgo and I want it to be universally able to calculate margin requirement for not just USD/XXX, but XXX/USD, XXX/YYY, Stocks, Indices and etc. under any base currency..


02 Apr 2015, 17:51

cAlgo API doesn't provide such functionality. We can recommend you to use/improve approach suggested by lec0456.


11 Apr 2015, 15:24


USD / XXX:  

           margin =  contract size / leverage;


           margin = current price * contract size / leverage;


   a). (EUR/GBP, AUD/NZD ...)

           margin = crossPrice  * currentPrice(XXX/USD) * contractSize / leverage;

   b). (CAD/CHF, CHF/JPY ....)

           margin = crossPrice / currentPrice(USD/XXX)  * contractSize / leverage;


24 Jan 2016, 11:50

Hi, I coded this method to calculate the lots from a set openMoney 

My account is in EUR so before I translate it to USD and apply the suggested algo, then back to EUR

It's longer, but so it's clearer and you have all the elements you need to adapt it to your exigences

I hope it may be useful!

[Parameter("Open Money (0 = All)", DefaultValue = 0.0)]
public double openMoney { get; set; }


protected int volume()
    double account = 0.0;

    if (openMoney == 0.0)
        account = Account.Balance;
        account = openMoney;

    double marginUSD = 0.0;
    string symbol = Symbol.Code;

    if (symbol.Substring(0, 3) == "USD")
        marginUSD = 1000 / Account.Leverage;
    else if (symbol.Substring(3, 3) == "USD")
        marginUSD = Symbol.Bid * 1000 / Account.Leverage;
        Symbol cross = MarketData.GetSymbol("USD" + symbol.Substring(3, 3));
        marginUSD = Symbol.Bid / cross.Bid * 1000 / Account.Leverage;

    double marginEUR = marginUSD / MarketData.GetSymbol("EURUSD").Bid;
    //Print(symbol + " margin is " + marginUSD + " USD = " + marginEUR + " EUR");

    return (int)Math.Ceiling(account / marginEUR);


26 Jan 2016, 13:42

S​ymbol.Bid / Symbol.Leverage * Symbol.TickValue * Symbol.VolumeMin  

gives the margin required for the minimum volume of Symbol..


26 Jan 2016, 23:00


The is missing factor above , the correct fornula valid for any instrument that gives margin required of minimum volume of symbol in account currency is this:

S​ymbol.Bid / Symbol.Leverage * Symbol.TickValue / Symbol.TickSize * Symbol.VolumeMin  





10 Feb 2016, 05:29


galafrin said:

The is missing factor above , the correct fornula valid for any instrument that gives margin required of minimum volume of symbol in account currency is this:

S​ymbol.Bid / Symbol.Leverage * Symbol.TickValue / Symbol.TickSize * Symbol.VolumeMin  

Surely my fault, but I didn't understand how use your formula

Instead this works well to calculate the max volume given an openMoney

My account is in EUR, of course you can adapt to your currency

protected long maxVolume(double openMoney)
    double marginUSD = 0.0;
    string symbol = Symbol.Code;

    if (symbol.Substring(0, 3) == "USD")
        marginUSD = 1000 / Account.Leverage;
    else if (symbol.Substring(3, 3) == "USD")
        marginUSD = Symbol.Bid * 1000 / Account.Leverage;
        Symbol cross = MarketData.GetSymbol("USD" + symbol.Substring(3, 3));
        marginUSD = Symbol.Bid / cross.Bid * 1000 / Account.Leverage;

    double marginEUR = marginUSD / MarketData.GetSymbol("EURUSD").Bid;
    long maxVol = Symbol.QuantityToVolume(openMoney / marginEUR);

    //Print(symbol + " margin is " + marginUSD + " USD = " + marginEUR + " EUR");
    //Print(symbol + " maxVol is " + maxVol + " = " + Symbol.NormalizeVolume(maxVol, RoundingMode.Down) + " EUR");

    return (maxVol);



10 Feb 2016, 08:18


gainer said:

galafrin said:

The is missing factor above , the correct fornula valid for any instrument that gives margin required of minimum volume of symbol in account currency is this:

S​ymbol.Bid / Symbol.Leverage * Symbol.TickValue / Symbol.TickSize * Symbol.VolumeMin  

Surely my fault, but I didn't understand how to use your formula

Instead this works well to calculate the max volume given an openMoney

My account is in EUR, of course you can adapt it to your currency

protected long maxVolume(double openMoney)
    double marginUSD = 0.0;
    string symbol = Symbol.Code;

    if (symbol.Substring(0, 3) == "USD")
        marginUSD = 1000 / Account.Leverage;
    else if (symbol.Substring(3, 3) == "USD")
        marginUSD = Symbol.Bid * 1000 / Account.Leverage;
        Symbol cross = MarketData.GetSymbol("USD" + symbol.Substring(3, 3));
        marginUSD = Symbol.Bid / cross.Bid * 1000 / Account.Leverage;

    double marginEUR = marginUSD / MarketData.GetSymbol("EURUSD").Bid;
    long maxVol = Symbol.QuantityToVolume(openMoney / marginEUR);

    //Print(symbol + " margin is " + marginUSD + " USD = " + marginEUR + " EUR");
    //Print(symbol + " maxVol is " + maxVol + " = " + Symbol.NormalizeVolume(maxVol, RoundingMode.Down) + " EUR");

    return (Symbol.NormalizeVolume(maxVol, RoundingMode.Down));

I forgot... much better a NormalizeVolume at the end !


12 Feb 2016, 14:01


a note, I write the above code to "translate" this post:

int734 said:

USD / XXX:  

           margin =  contract size / leverage;


           margin = current price * contract size / leverage;


   a). (EUR/GBP, AUD/NZD ...)

           margin = crossPrice  * currentPrice(XXX/USD) * contractSize / leverage;

   b). (CAD/CHF, CHF/JPY ....)

           margin = crossPrice / currentPrice(USD/XXX)  * contractSize / leverage;


but cAlgo give us wonderful tools and the better code to obtain the max volume given an openMoney quantity is simple this:

maxVolume = Symbol.NormalizeVolume(openMoney * Account.Leverage, RoundingMode.Down);

the choose of the RoundingMode.Down is to avoid to overcome my account balance


07 Feb 2018, 02:36


Spotware said:

cAlgo API doesn't provide such functionality. We can recommend you to use/improve approach suggested by lec0456.



 margem = (Symbol.VolumeMin * Symbol.PreciseLeverage) / Symbol.LotSize;


is that ok?

01 Feb 2019, 12:14

Best way for me ...

Hi all,

some of our customers asked us how to correctly calculate the required margin, this is an example to follow

        private bool _symbolExist(string symbolCode) {

            return MarketData.GetSymbol(symbolCode) != null;


        private double _symbolRate(string symbolCode)

            return (_symbolExist(symbolCode)) ? MarketData.GetSymbol(symbolCode).Bid : 0;


        private double _calculateMargin( string symbolCode, double lots, string currency, double leverage ) {

            double margin = 0.0;

            if (!_symbolExist(symbolCode) || symbolCode.Length != 6) return margin;

            currency = currency.ToUpper();

            double symbolRate = _symbolRate(symbolCode);
            if (symbolRate == 0) return margin;

            string baseCurrency = symbolCode.Substring(0, 3).ToUpper();
            string subaCurrency = symbolCode.Substring(3, 3).ToUpper();

            if (currency.Equals(baseCurrency)) 

                margin = lots * 100000 / leverage;

            else if (currency.Equals(subaCurrency)){ 

                margin = lots * 100000 / leverage * symbolRate;

            else { 

                symbolRate = _symbolRate(baseCurrency + currency);
                if (symbolRate == 0)

                    symbolRate = _symbolRate(currency + baseCurrency);
                    if (symbolRate == 0) return margin;

                    symbolRate = 1 / symbolRate;


                margin = lots * 100000 / leverage * symbolRate;


            return (margin > 0) ? Math.Round( margin, 2 ) : 0;

01 Feb 2019, 12:19

RE: Best way for me ... said:

Hi all,

some of our customers asked us how to correctly calculate the required margin, this is an example to follow

        private bool _symbolExist(string symbolCode) {

            return MarketData.GetSymbol(symbolCode) != null;


        private double _symbolRate(string symbolCode)

            return (_symbolExist(symbolCode)) ? MarketData.GetSymbol(symbolCode).Bid : 0;


        private double _calculateMargin( string symbolCode, double lots, string currency, double leverage ) {

            double margin = 0.0;

            if (!_symbolExist(symbolCode) || symbolCode.Length != 6) return margin;

            currency = currency.ToUpper();

            double symbolRate = _symbolRate(symbolCode);
            if (symbolRate == 0) return margin;

            string baseCurrency = symbolCode.Substring(0, 3).ToUpper();
            string subaCurrency = symbolCode.Substring(3, 3).ToUpper();

            if (currency.Equals(baseCurrency)) 

                margin = lots * 100000 / leverage;

            else if (currency.Equals(subaCurrency)){ 

                margin = lots * 100000 / leverage * symbolRate;

            else { 

                symbolRate = _symbolRate(baseCurrency + currency);
                if (symbolRate == 0)

                    symbolRate = _symbolRate(currency + baseCurrency);
                    if (symbolRate == 0) return margin;

                    symbolRate = 1 / symbolRate;


                margin = lots * 100000 / leverage * symbolRate;


            return (margin > 0) ? Math.Round( margin, 2 ) : 0;




Like this :

protected override void OnStart()

            // --> TEST

            double marginEURUSD = _calculateMargin("EURUSD", 1, Account.Currency, Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage);
            double marginGBPUSD = _calculateMargin("GBPUSD", 1, Account.Currency, Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage);
            double marginAUDUSD = _calculateMargin("AUDUSD", 1, Account.Currency, Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage);
            double marginUSDJPY = _calculateMargin("USDJPY", 1, Account.Currency, Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage);
            double marginCADJPY = _calculateMargin("CADJPY", 1, Account.Currency, Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage);

            _printExcep("EURUSD : " + marginEURUSD.ToString());
            _printExcep("GBPUSD : " + marginGBPUSD.ToString());
            _printExcep("AUDUSD : " + marginAUDUSD.ToString());
            _printExcep("USDJPY : " + marginUSDJPY.ToString());
            _printExcep("CADJPY : " + marginCADJPY.ToString());


01 Feb 2019, 12:22

RE: RE: Best way for me ... said: said:

Hi all,

some of our customers asked us how to correctly calculate the required margin, this is an example to follow

        private bool _symbolExist(string symbolCode) {

            return MarketData.GetSymbol(symbolCode) != null;


        private double _symbolRate(string symbolCode)

            return (_symbolExist(symbolCode)) ? MarketData.GetSymbol(symbolCode).Bid : 0;


        private double _calculateMargin( string symbolCode, double lots, string currency, double leverage ) {

            double margin = 0.0;

            if (!_symbolExist(symbolCode) || symbolCode.Length != 6) return margin;

            currency = currency.ToUpper();

            double symbolRate = _symbolRate(symbolCode);
            if (symbolRate == 0) return margin;

            string baseCurrency = symbolCode.Substring(0, 3).ToUpper();
            string subaCurrency = symbolCode.Substring(3, 3).ToUpper();

            if (currency.Equals(baseCurrency)) 

                margin = lots * 100000 / leverage;

            else if (currency.Equals(subaCurrency)){ 

                margin = lots * 100000 / leverage * symbolRate;

            else { 

                symbolRate = _symbolRate(baseCurrency + currency);
                if (symbolRate == 0)

                    symbolRate = _symbolRate(currency + baseCurrency);
                    if (symbolRate == 0) return margin;

                    symbolRate = 1 / symbolRate;


                margin = lots * 100000 / leverage * symbolRate;


            return (margin > 0) ? Math.Round( margin, 2 ) : 0;




Like this :

protected override void OnStart()

            // --> TEST

            double marginEURUSD = _calculateMargin("EURUSD", 1, Account.Currency, Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage);
            double marginGBPUSD = _calculateMargin("GBPUSD", 1, Account.Currency, Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage);
            double marginAUDUSD = _calculateMargin("AUDUSD", 1, Account.Currency, Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage);
            double marginUSDJPY = _calculateMargin("USDJPY", 1, Account.Currency, Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage);
            double marginCADJPY = _calculateMargin("CADJPY", 1, Account.Currency, Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage);

            _printExcep("EURUSD : " + marginEURUSD.ToString());
            _printExcep("GBPUSD : " + marginGBPUSD.ToString());
            _printExcep("AUDUSD : " + marginAUDUSD.ToString());
            _printExcep("USDJPY : " + marginUSDJPY.ToString());
            _printExcep("CADJPY : " + marginCADJPY.ToString());





Sorry _printExcep is my method

protected override void OnStart()
            // --> TEST
            double marginEURUSD = _calculateMargin("EURUSD", 1, Account.Currency, Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage);
            double marginGBPUSD = _calculateMargin("GBPUSD", 1, Account.Currency, Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage);
            double marginAUDUSD = _calculateMargin("AUDUSD", 1, Account.Currency, Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage);
            double marginUSDJPY = _calculateMargin("USDJPY", 1, Account.Currency, Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage);
            double marginCADJPY = _calculateMargin("CADJPY", 1, Account.Currency, Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage);
            Print("EURUSD : " + marginEURUSD.ToString());
            Print("GBPUSD : " + marginGBPUSD.ToString());
            Print("AUDUSD : " + marginAUDUSD.ToString());
            Print("USDJPY : " + marginUSDJPY.ToString());
            Print("CADJPY : " + marginCADJPY.ToString());


Admin, why can't edit post ?
02 Feb 2019, 23:53

Use Account.PreciseLeverage instead of Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage obviously adapt the method to your needs :

double marginEURUSD = _calculateMargin("EURUSD", 1, Account.Currency, Account.PreciseLeverage);

if the symbol is not managed, zero is returned

26 Jan 2021, 11:20

Calculation using Dynamic Leverage
double MarginFor(Position Pos)
    double vol = Pos.VolumeInUnits;
    double margin = 0;

    foreach (var DynamicLeverage in Symbol.DynamicLeverage)
        if (vol >= DynamicLeverage.Volume)
            double used = Math.Floor(vol / DynamicLeverage.Volume);
            margin += used / DynamicLeverage.Leverage;
            vol -= used;
        else if (vol > 0)
            margin += vol / DynamicLeverage.Leverage;
            vol = 0;

    return margin * Pos.EntryPrice;



13 Jul 2021, 11:12

RE: Calculation using Dynamic Leverage

Guys I would really like to also be able to control my bots tradeswith margin  using the DynamicLeverage property.

I have tried to use the below code to calculate the required margin for each outstanding position and then if this is a sufficient fraction less than the free margin then it should be ok to keep trading. When backtesting the Account.FreeMargin value starts out at your account equity size and it changes as you start trading but I have found that the Account.Margin is not always available. However the calculation below does not give the same value as the Account.Margin.

So can you confirm how I can calculate the margin for each position?

I have tried this code.

public double MarginFor(Position Pos)
            double vol = Pos.VolumeInUnits;
            double margin = 0;

            foreach (var DynamicLeverage in Symbol.DynamicLeverage)
                if (vol >= DynamicLeverage.Volume)
                    double used = Math.Floor(vol / DynamicLeverage.Volume);
                    margin += used / DynamicLeverage.Leverage;
                    vol -= used;
                else if (vol > 0)
                    margin += vol / DynamicLeverage.Leverage;
                    vol = 0;

            return margin * Pos.EntryPrice;


Best Regards,


diiptrade said:

double MarginFor(Position Pos)
    double vol = Pos.VolumeInUnits;
    double margin = 0;

    foreach (var DynamicLeverage in Symbol.DynamicLeverage)
        if (vol >= DynamicLeverage.Volume)
            double used = Math.Floor(vol / DynamicLeverage.Volume);
            margin += used / DynamicLeverage.Leverage;
            vol -= used;
        else if (vol > 0)
            margin += vol / DynamicLeverage.Leverage;
            vol = 0;

    return margin * Pos.EntryPrice;




14 Jul 2021, 16:52

RE: RE: Calculation using Dynamic Leverage

Hi here is how I get it : 

First Convert the instrument price to account currency ;   

Symbol.Bid * Symbol.TickValue / symbol.TickSize 

Then multiply by standard instrument volume in units 

* Symbol.VolumeInUnits

Finally divide by instrument leverage supposing onnly one entry in the instrument dynamicLeverage table

/ Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage

the whole formula gives this

Margin_Required = Symbol.Bid * Symbol.TickValue / symbol.TickSize * Symbol.VolumeInUnits / Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage


