Dream computer for cAlgo platform and cBot testing??

Created at 21 Mar 2015, 13:53
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Dream computer for cAlgo platform and cBot testing??
21 Mar 2015, 13:53

Hi all,


I'm computer shopping at the minute and would like to have a really powerful set up for quick optimisation of cBots...

I currently have an iMac and run Windows 8 through Parallels... 

I've never been able to run a complete optimisation test over all the available data, (from 01.04.2011 to present), it always crashes... So I have to run optimisation over 2 years max and then back test over all available data...

It would be great if I could run these tests and have them complete as quick as possible...

So, here are my questions:

1) Are programmes like parallels limiting? There's no point in spending lots of cash on a 12 core Mac Pro if the software doesn't allow it to run to its full potential...

2) Has anyone tried building a super computer? There's a few great 'how to' guides online where graphics designers have achieved great results. I think the largest was 36 cores!!

It would be good to know what other people are running if you're willing to share??


22 Mar 2015, 14:25

Ok I've just ordered a 6 core overclocked 3.6GHZ PC...

I'll post some pictures here once it's all set up...


23 Mar 2015, 10:38

Waiting for your results...
