CTrader fails to start

Created at 17 Dec 2024, 20:29
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Joined 18.08.2024

CTrader fails to start
17 Dec 2024, 20:29

I have now experienced this failure both with the CTrader desktop app and the IC Markets version of the CTrader desktop app.

I have a Algo which I am running locally, because I create screenshots and write reports to the file system. I have created similar Algos with prior version of CTrader without an issue. However, with the move recent version of CTrader (ver 5). I encounter an error, and afterwards the desktop shows the logo screen, but fails to start. So once I encounter a weird error in VS2022, I can no longer start the desktop after it is closed. 

I first encountered this issue in the IC Markets version of the Desktop app,  and the Event Viewer logs seemed to indicate an issue with PerfLib dll. I have since refreshed my Windows 11 installation, but without success.

I then turned to the CTrader version, and had to recreate my Algo, and then ported over my code. It compiled just fine, but before I could run it, it failed as well with an error I think it send to CTrader. So I am stuck


18 Dec 2024, 16:03 ( Updated at: 18 Dec 2024, 16:04 )

I am currently rebuilding the Algo in FxPro (5.0.50), and I have not encountered an issue as yet.

I did not take a screenshot of the error I encountered, but since it indicated it was sending the error to CTrader, I would imagine an instance of the failure would exist on your end.

I cannot get back in to either of the IC Markets or CTrader desktop versions.

I  will provide a copy of the bot at the point the issue resurfaces in the FxPro desktop.



19 Dec 2024, 07:08

Hi there,

Can you please provide us with more information that would allow us to reproduce the problem? We need the following

  1. cBot code.
  2. Screenshots of the errors you receive.
  3. Exact steps that will allow us to reproduce these errors.

Best regards,



19 Dec 2024, 22:52

I was eventually able to recreate the error on FxPro desktop as well. As you can see from the screenshot, it indicates the error was sent to the CTrader team. I have been running the same version of my Algo without change for a couple of hours, and then this popped up. This is pretty unstable, especially since I am not able to use the product afterwards.  


21 Dec 2024, 03:49

I found a way to get beyond the issue, but I have no further explanation on what seems to be a corruption of the cAlgo folder.
