Bug in "Used Margin" computation in backtesting cTrader V 5.0.29
Created at 31 Jul 2024, 12:58
Bug in "Used Margin" computation in backtesting cTrader V 5.0.29
31 Jul 2024, 12:58
I think there is a bug in the "Used Margin" computation when using ModifyVolume(volume).
To prove the bug I did the following (see code below):
- Open several positions of EURUSD with 1 Lot one after each other
- The sum of the quantity is 3 Lots ==> OK
- Each position “costs” 200,- € Margin, so the sum of “Used Margin” is 600,- ==> OK
- Open one position EURUSD with 1 Lot
- Than do a 1st ModifyVolume(2 Lot)
- Than do a 2nd ModifyVolume(3 Lot)
- The sum of the quantity is 3 Lots ==> OK
- HOWEVER, the sum of “Used Margin” is 1200,- ==> NOT OK
The row of highering the Used Margin is multiplying the lotsize by the single margin value and adding it to the Used Margin:
200, 600, 1200, 2000, 3000, 4200, …
3. Doing the same thing on an demo or live account gives the same correct result as in 1.
1st Trade: 200,- Used Margin
1st ModifyVolume(2Lot): 400,- Used Margin
2nd ModifyVolume(2Lot): 600,- Used Margin
3rd ModifyVolume(2Lot): 800,- Used Margin
and so on
Here is the code to test and reproduce this:
using cAlgo.API;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace cAlgo.Robots
[Robot(AccessRights = AccessRights.FullAccess, AddIndicators = true)]
public class MarginBug : Robot
int mVolume = 100000;
protected override void OnStart()
protected override void OnTick()
if (mVolume <= 1e6)
if (0 == Positions.Count)
ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, "EURUSD", mVolume);
mVolume += 100000;
protected override void OnStop()
15 Jan 2025, 15:21
( Updated at: 21 Jan 2025, 21:06 )
Hi! ANyone know if this is fixed yet?
Because I still get ghost allocation on margin when increasing volume on positions when backtesting.
Best regards
01 Aug 2024, 07:19
Hi there,
It is a known issue and it will be fixed in an upcoming update.
Best regards,