
Created at 06 Jun 2024, 02:26
How’s your experience with the cTrader Platform?
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Joined 01.05.2024

06 Jun 2024, 02:26

I have been backtesting  using a cbot that changes the stop loss to a trailing stop under specific conditions. Once the backtesting is complete I inspect the bot's log vs the ctrader events and they don't match up. In the events tab it claims that all those trades hit their stop loss straight after it was changed to a trailing stop, yet the log shows many of those trades only closed the following day when closed by the exit indicator. Any ideas why?



06 Jun 2024, 11:03

Hi there,

It is impossible to help you with such vague descriptions. For somebody to understand your problem, you need to provide at least the following

  • cBot code.
  • Backtesting parameters.
  • Screenshots of the events you are referring at and an explanation of what we are looking at.

Best regards,

