How to run many cBots

Created at 31 May 2024, 20:01
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Joined 09.03.2021

How to run many cBots
31 May 2024, 20:01

I asked this question on Telegram, but I would like to hear many comments and ideas because it is an important issue for beginners.

Running many cBots:
Which is better, running cBots on charts in the "Trade" menu or running cBots in instances in the "Automate" menu panel?
I use a VPS to run many cBots on many charts in the "Trade" menu, but I am having trouble with memory and cTrader bugs and freezes.

Ans.1: There should not be any difference.


02 Jun 2024, 12:07 ( Updated at: 03 Jun 2024, 05:09 )

I have the same issue with cTrader freezing completely and being totally unusable. For me, it always occurs on Renko Charts. 

Other users have reported this issue as well, so we're not alone:


I've made a video showing the issue, and will try to email Spotware soon showing the problem when I can upload the video to YouTube.


11 Jun 2024, 08:27

I've reported the issue to Spotware and they are looking into it.

My cTrader desktop versions updated to 5.0.25 today and the “freezing” issue is still there (occurred in less than 15 minutes when starting all my bot instances), so still can't run bots! :-(
