Cbot on Cloud

Created at 20 May 2024, 08:00
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Joined 12.03.2024

Cbot on Cloud
20 May 2024, 08:00

Good day,


wit ht e new version of Ctrader I saw that I can launch my CBot on Cloud and it will run even if my app is not running on my computer.

That is a very nice feature.


But how can I launch a Cbot with the Cloud option?


Thank you



20 May 2024, 08:11

Hi Semastien,

When you launch an instance, you will get the following options

Best regards,



20 May 2024, 08:43

RE: Cbot on Cloud

Is it on Windows?


because I have the Mac app and I can't see any of those options.


Thank you


20 May 2024, 15:05

RE: RE: Cbot on Cloud

sebastien.t said: 

Is it on Windows?


because I have the Mac app and I can't see any of those options.


Thank you

Good day,


could you revert please?


21 May 2024, 05:55

RE: RE: RE: Cbot on Cloud

sebastien.t said: 

sebastien.t said: 

Is it on Windows?


because I have the Mac app and I can't see any of those options.


Thank you

Good day,


could you revert please?

Hi there,

It is not available with cTrader for Mac at the moment. It will be available in v5.0.

Best regards,

