Telegram notification when bot reaches new high but needs to be Label specific
Telegram notification when bot reaches new high but needs to be Label specific
10 Jan 2024, 15:54
I have a bot that notifies me when my bot reaches a new high equity wise. However, I have multiple bots on the same account. Does anyone know how I could amend the code below so it only shows me the equity high of positions associated with a specific Label?
if (_telegramEnabled && Account.Equity > _equityHigh && DateTime.UtcNow - _lastMessageSentTime >= _messageInterval)
_equityHigh = Account.Equity;
var message = $"New equity high reached: {Account.Equity:C}";
var message1 = $"Positions Count: {Positions.Count}";
_lastMessageSentTime = DateTime.UtcNow;