error to run cbots

Created at 03 Jan 2024, 18:24
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Joined 21.12.2018

error to run cbots
03 Jan 2024, 18:24

I have this problem a some weeks and need help to solve.

Please, look for the print screen below made in backtesting.

I have the last version installed and I executed the procedure of the delete and reinstall the program. The problem continue.

Please, what I need to do?




Imagem incorporada


06 Jan 2024, 11:00

I'm not sure you're referencing the symbol correct. None of the symbols I've ever seen in cTrader start with “#”.

Also, have you checked your broker's website to see what the symbol is?

Last, what's the symbol when you view the trading window in cTrader? You can search for all the symbols cTrader will let you trade. 


08 Jan 2024, 06:45

Hi Eliezer,

It's a known issue and will be solved in an upcoming update. In the meanwhile, try providing full access to your cBot and let us know if it works.

Best regards,



08 Jan 2024, 17:35

RE: error to run cbots

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi Eliezer,

It's a known issue and will be solved in an upcoming update. In the meanwhile, try providing full access to your cBot and let us know if it works.

Best regards,



Look at the print screen I sent, I used a standart script for test and error to continue.

In your message you recommend giving cbots full access, so what do you really want me to do?





09 Jan 2024, 06:36

RE: RE: error to run cbots

eliezer_barros said: 

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi Eliezer,

It's a known issue and will be solved in an upcoming update. In the meanwhile, try providing full access to your cBot and let us know if it works.

Best regards,



Look at the print screen I sent, I used a standart script for test and error to continue.

In your message you recommend giving cbots full access, so what do you really want me to do?




Hi Eliezer,

Here you go

    [Robot(AccessRights = AccessRights.FullAccess)]

Best regards,

