Question re: Object Dragging

Created at 29 Nov 2023, 18:14
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Joined 23.06.2023

Question re: Object Dragging
29 Nov 2023, 18:14

Hi guys, 

I'm looking to get some information re: dragging objects in cTrader. More specifically, i'd like my cBot to recognise that i've dragged a horizontal line from position A to position B. 

Can anyone recommend anything? I've tried Chart.DragStart and Chart.DragEnd, but i don't believe this is what i'm looking for. I want to monitor a specific object, in this case a horizontal line. 

Any advice is appreciated. 



30 Nov 2023, 06:21

Reply to: Question re: Object Dragging

Hi there,

Try ObjectUpdated event.

Best Regards,

