Rencko backtesting issue

Created at 29 Oct 2023, 11:38
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Joined 29.10.2023

Rencko backtesting issue
29 Oct 2023, 11:38


Could you check my screen and explain to me how it is possible? Is it a bug or I've missed something? I have an example code to reproduce this issue but I don't see an option in forum editor to attach it. How can I attach it?


30 Oct 2023, 19:16 ( Updated at: 31 Oct 2023, 06:28 )


I've pushed my code to the Github: karolmarchewka/bug-reproduction-example1 (

Can you have a look at it pls?

Best Regards

Karol Marchewka


31 Oct 2023, 07:48 ( Updated at: 31 Oct 2023, 07:51 )

Hi Karol,

It looks like a spread issue 


31 Oct 2023, 09:41

RE: Rencko backtesting issue

Hi PanagiotisChar.

You may be right. It was a new time. Thanks for your suggestion. 


Karol Marchewka

PanagiotisChar said: 

Hi Karol,

It looks like a spread issue 

