Multi Symbol OnBarOpened event

Created at 29 Oct 2023, 08:04
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Joined 03.12.2021

Multi Symbol OnBarOpened event
29 Oct 2023, 08:04


I'm trying to code a custom OnBarsBarOpened() event for multi symbol bactesting as below.

encountered a "cannot implicitly convert type void to System.Action BarOpenedEventArgs" error at line bars.BarOpened += OnBarsBarOpened();

How can I fix this error and code this corectly?

		protected override void OnStart()
            // To learn more about cTrader Automate visit our Help Center:

            foreach (Watchlist w in Watchlists)
                if (w.Name == "Popular Markets")
                    TradeList = Symbols.GetSymbols(w.SymbolNames.ToArray());

            foreach (Symbol s in TradeList)

                var bars = MarketData.GetBars(TimeFrame, s.Name);
                bars.BarOpened += OnBarsBarOpened();

        void OnBarsBarOpened(BarOpenedEventArgs obj)



30 Oct 2023, 06:47

Hi there,

Try changing 

bars.BarOpened += OnBarsBarOpened();


bars.BarOpened += OnBarsBarOpened;
