Is cTrader.Automate net7.0 support

Created at 03 Oct 2023, 20:18
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Joined 03.10.2023

Is cTrader.Automate net7.0 support
03 Oct 2023, 20:18

Is there any plan to support compiling against net7.0 in the near future?

After seeing a random net7.0 project file snippet in the API docs, I became hopeful.

04 Oct 2023, 06:21

Dear trader,

There are no immediate plans to update cTrader to .NET 7.0

Best regards,

cTrader Team


07 Oct 2023, 13:28 ( Updated at: 08 Oct 2023, 06:03 )

I suspect the cTrader team would only include support for .Net 8 and skip over the odd numbers. 

As a product manager, why build in support for a product that Microsoft has said will only have a short term life span of just over a year?

.Net 8.0 will have long term support, and thus should have a life span until at least Nov 2026.

