Set Take Profit to the TP of the first position

Created at 25 Aug 2023, 17:33
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Joined 05.07.2021

Set Take Profit to the TP of the first position
25 Aug 2023, 17:33


I'm creating a trend following bot and would like to stack positions along the trend.

In Psuedocode, I'd like to dow this:

1. If number of open positions is greater than 0
2. Get Take Profit price of the fir open position.
3. Set the Take profit of the last open position to the price in step 2.

So I would like all my positions to have the same take profit as the first position I open for any given trend.

I've noticed though that you can only give the ExecuteMarketOrder function a Take Profit as the number of pips away from the execution price. Am I wrong here?

Would I have to open the order and then use a ModifyTakeprofitPrice method to change it to match the first position?


26 Aug 2023, 14:54 ( Updated at: 26 Aug 2023, 15:01 )

Hi there,

Yeap that is correct.

Aieden Technologies

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