Custom Indicator does not exist in current context

Created at 06 Aug 2023, 12:11
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Joined 05.07.2021

Custom Indicator does not exist in current context
06 Aug 2023, 12:11


If I add a custom indicator via Manage Resources, the code editor within cTrader will recognise this, and it will appear in the code suggestion box. However, if I try to edit my bot in either VS2022 or Rider, both give the error in the subject of this post.

cTrader 4.8.19
VS 2022 17.6.5
Rider 2023.2


06 Aug 2023, 21:11 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )

For edit You project in VS you need add Project Reference again, that appear in Assemblies




07 Aug 2023, 07:59 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )

RE: Custom Indicator does not exist in current context

blizoomnet said: 

For edit You project in VS you need add Project Reference again, that appear in Assemblies



Would you be able to help with how I do that please? In the Project Properties, there is a reference to the SSL Channel indicator I'm wanting to use, but I don't have an Assemblies entry in my Dependencies


07 Aug 2023, 13:39 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )

RE: RE: Custom Indicator does not exist in current context

Click right button on “Dependencies” then select “Add Project Reference” 

next click “Browse”

Find You .dll file in prev project:

When apeare in browse window select it, and click “OK”

“Assemblies on ”Depencies" apeare autmaticaly. Next only add You assembly to you project.

Finaly save all files so that the changes are reflected in CTrader Panel.




07 Aug 2023, 17:37 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )

RE: RE: RE: Custom Indicator does not exist in current context

blizoomnet said: 

Click right button on “Dependencies” then select “Add Project Reference” 

next click “Browse”

Find You .dll file in prev project:

When apeare in browse window select it, and click “OK”

“Assemblies on ”Depencies" apeare autmaticaly. Next only add You assembly to you project.

Finaly save all files so that the changes are reflected in CTrader Panel.



Thanks so much. Really appreciate the time you took to help. I've got it working now.
