Visualized and non-visualized backtester results are different. Is this the desired behavior?

Created at 24 Jul 2023, 20:20
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Joined 14.12.2021

Visualized and non-visualized backtester results are different. Is this the desired behavior?
24 Jul 2023, 20:20

I see the different backtest results in the Visualized and nonVisualized modes.
The expected behavior

The result is the same regardless of visualization.
How to replicate.
1, Install cTrader (see thev ersion on the picture

2. Create an instance of the “Sample Trend cBot”
3. Select USDJPY (I guess the symbol does not matter
4. Select Visualize. Run the bot. See the equity curve

5 Uncheck “Visualize”Run the bot. See the different equity curve

What is wrong in my settings?





25 Jul 2023, 06:35

Hi there,

Tried it and works fine in both cases. Any messages in the log that could help you?

Aieden Technologies

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25 Jul 2023, 10:32 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )

RE: Visualized and non-visualized backtester results are different. Is this the desired behavior?

See the attached logs for both cases, please.




26 Jul 2023, 06:55

Dear trader,

Thank you for reporting this issue to us. Unfortunately we were not able to reproduce it. If you are able to provide us with TeamViewer access to your pc, please contact us at

Best regards,

cTrader Team
