Latest cTrader.Automate package?

Created at 13 Jul 2023, 16:56
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Joined 08.08.2018

Latest cTrader.Automate package?
13 Jul 2023, 16:56

I would like to use the new `OnBarClosed` event, which presumably means updating my cTrader.Automate Nuget package.

But this has not been updated - the latest version is still the 3-month-old 1.0.7: 

Will a new version be released soon?


13 Jul 2023, 19:00 ( Updated at: 13 Jul 2023, 19:01 )

Hi BBB - it would appear that v1.0.8 is now available (I just updated via my solution). This event is a timely addition and will definitely make some of my logic a lot less convoluted.

thanks cTrader team!!


13 Jul 2023, 21:04


jim.tollan said:

Hi BBB - it would appear that v1.0.8 is now available (I just updated via my solution). This event is a timely addition and will definitely make some of my logic a lot less convoluted.

thanks cTrader team!!

