Calculate sales/buys

Created at 13 Jun 2023, 02:11
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Joined 13.06.2023

Calculate sales/buys
13 Jun 2023, 02:11


When I get the bars on the OnStart() method, I try to calculate if the Tick volume is from a sell (on the bid side) or from a buy (on the ask side). So, I do the following:

[Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class MyTakeProfit : Robot

blah... blah... blah...

        private Bars bars;
        private Ticks ticks;
        long sells = 0;
        long buys = 0;

        protected override void OnStart()
            bars = MarketData.GetBars(TimeFrame.Tick);
            bars.Tick += Bars_Tick;

            ticks = MarketData.GetTicks();
            ticks.Tick += Ticks_Tick;

            for (int i=0; i<bars.Count; i++)
                if (bars[i].Close == ticks[i].Bid)
                    sells += bars[i].TickVolume;
                if (bars[i].Close == ticks[i].Ask)
                    buys += bars[i].TickVolume;

                if (bars[i].OpenTime != ticks[i].Time)
                    throw new Exception("different times");

            Print($"sells: {sells}, buys: {buys}");

My problem is that the sales are always equal to the amount of bars.Count() which tells me that the closing price is always equal to the Bid price.

I would expect this to be wrong as we also have buys.

Am I doing something wrong? Maybe it is the demo account at Pepperstone or something?


Is it any way to calculate the sales & the buys? Maybe by looking the asks/bids going up/down compared to the previous ones?



Thank you very much for your help.



13 Jun 2023, 08:31

Hi Efthymie,

Bars are constructed exclusively on bid prices. Therefore the outcome you describe is expected. A suggestion would be to just loop over the ticks collection and check which price was changed (bid or ask) and increase the relevant counter accordingly.

Aieden Technologies

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13 Jun 2023, 14:55


PanagiotisChar said:

Hi Efthymie,

Bars are constructed exclusively on bid prices. Therefore the outcome you describe is expected. A suggestion would be to just loop over the ticks collection and check which price was changed (bid or ask) and increase the relevant counter accordingly.

Aieden Technologies

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Hi Panagioti.

I am not quite sure if any of the suggestions (mine or yours) should be correct.

Without being an expert in trading, I guess that there could be a sale or a buy that doesn't change either the bid or the ask.

Hypothetically, someone is bidding 200 stocks of MSFT at $204. Then someone sells 50 stocks of MSFT at $204. I imagine that at that point, the bid price shouldn't change as there are some 150 stocks remaining to be bought. Also, since a lot of brokers have usually fixed spreads, the ask will not change too.

Am I wrong in what I say?

If that is the case, then we can never be sure that the order that happened was a sale or a buy.

So... I am wondering how all these volume profile indicators for cTrader work and if they display correct values.
