Access Trade Volume in a bot

Created at 08 May 2023, 17:07
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Access Trade Volume in a bot
08 May 2023, 17:07


How can I access Trade Volume from a bot?

I'm talking about Volume that most indicators use along with OHLC data.


09 May 2023, 15:19

But as far as I understand, Tick Volume is not the same as Trade Volume


10 May 2023, 08:21


There is no trade volume in OTC markets, only tick volume.

Aieden Technologies

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10 May 2023, 18:06 ( Updated at: 10 May 2023, 18:12 )

What about

private TradeVolumeIndex _volume;




11 May 2023, 09:32

Hi there, 

I am not aware of the implementation but probably it uses Tick Volume since no other information is available.

Aieden Technologies

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11 May 2023, 18:04

Can someone from Spotware comment on this?

How do I get Trade Volume in cTrader Automate?


12 May 2023, 09:16

There is nothing to comment, you can't :)


12 May 2023, 14:26

But quite a few indicators use Trade Volume data, as far as I know
