How to get exact same tick time during BackTesting vs RealTime

Created at 28 Apr 2023, 20:21
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How to get exact same tick time during BackTesting vs RealTime
28 Apr 2023, 20:21

I am trying to write a bot based on ticks. (Let's call it a sniper bot...)

One thing I am checking during development is that I get exactly the same data during real processing vs back-testing.

While I can confirm that I get the same tick sequence of OHLC data, I cannot manage to replicate their exact timing during back-testing.
The timing is only off by a small amount, up to 100ms max maybe, but it varies randomly every tick.

I am using 'Server.TimeInUTC' (for both run types) when I get the tick event of type 'BarsTickEventArgs'.

Is this what I am supposed to do?

I also tried 'tick.Bars.LastBar.OpenTime' - Thinking that might be repeatable during back-testing (And since at the T1 level, and only the T1 level, OpenTime should be a unique, unchanging time for each tick I assume...), but that isn't the exact same value for both run types either.

It would seem reasonable that I should be able to get the exact same timestamp, to the millisecond, since it's being simulated anyway!, and since I am able to get a perfect replication of every other tick detail.

Am I missing something?
Or is this a bug?

As a clear view of what I am seeing, below shows the discrepancies.
Dark-yellow shows that the data mostly matches perfectly, tick for tick.

But Server.TimeInUTC does not align perfectly between batch and realtime, which seems unexpected as everything else is perfect.


30 Apr 2023, 10:46

Hi there,

My guess is that this is due to latency which cannot be simulated in backtesting.

Aieden Technologies

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