Converting Stop Limit order to a limit order
Converting Stop Limit order to a limit order
31 Mar 2023, 02:39
I have just noticed that stop limit orders get cancelled if the condition for "stoplimitorderpips" is not met. Is there a sample code to convert a stop limit order to a limit order at the same price - if a cancellation occurs due to this reason?
If the "stoplimitorderpips" is the same, or slightly more than the fixed bid ask spread - shouldn't the order always get filled and//or act the same as a stop order?
Thanks, Leon.
15 Apr 2023, 12:12
Hi there,
You cannot convert a type of order to another one. You need to cancel the existing order and create a new one. But what you describe is pointless. If a stop limit order is not filled, a limit order will not be filled either. If you want your order to be filled no matter what, what is the point of using a stop limit or limit order? Just use a market order.
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15 Apr 2023, 13:05
I guess what I mean is, for a buy:
- if my Entry Price > Symbol.Ask , then I can't use a limit order, so I have to use a stop limit order. But sometimes this order will get cancelled if it doesn't fill when the ask rises above the stop limit order. I understand that I can increase the stop-limit-range-pips value to avoid this. However, if the order does get cancelled (when the ask goes above the entry price), is there a way to recognise the cancellation reason, and set a new limit order at the entry price?
Obviously this will only fill if the market fluctuates back down to the limit order/entry price.
The reason I ask is that the spread is fixed on the product I am trading, but I have even had cancellations when the stop-limit-range-pips value is 0.6 for a spread of 0.4.
Thanks Leon
18 Apr 2023, 09:28
You can listen to the PendingOrders.Cancelled event and act accordingly
PendingOrders.Cancelled += PendingOrders_Cancelled;
private void PendingOrders_Cancelled(PendingOrderCancelledEventArgs obj)
if(obj.Reason == PendingOrderCancellationReason.Cancelled)
//Do something
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14 Apr 2023, 03:57