Bars not updating when backtesting

Created at 04 Feb 2023, 09:39
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Joined 05.07.2021

Bars not updating when backtesting
04 Feb 2023, 09:39


I've had a similar problem in the past but it appears to have returned. When running a backtest, the candles on the chart don't update but when I expand/collapse the left-side menu, they do update.

YouTube video showing the problem


04 Feb 2023, 09:46


ctid3999979 said:


I've had a similar problem in the past but it appears to have returned. When running a backtest, the candles on the chart don't update but when I expand/collapse the left-side menu, they do update.

YouTube video showing the problem

Ok...Strangest problem I've ever come across.

I'm using a MS Surface Pro 8 and after plugging in an external monitor, it works fine; candles update as they should. Without running on an external monitor, I get the behaviour in the YT video.
