How to send an email / in-app notify when Cbot disconect?

Created at 05 Dec 2022, 09:54
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Joined 23.11.2022

How to send an email / in-app notify when Cbot disconect?
05 Dec 2022, 09:54

Many time, Cbot disconects then connects automatically. (this mistake occur 2 or 3 times a day). Cbot doesnt recalculate value of indicator after reconnect so I need to know when Cbot disconnect from server to restart Cbot by hand. How can I know these times?


06 Dec 2022, 09:21

Hi there,

Check the Server Connected and Disconnected events.

Aieden Technologies

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08 Dec 2022, 03:40

RE: thank you!

PanagiotisChar said:

Hi there,

Check the Server Connected and Disconnected events.

Aieden Technologies

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