BOT getting stuck in a continuous loop in OnTick method

Created at 04 Dec 2022, 09:26
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Joined 11.08.2022

BOT getting stuck in a continuous loop in OnTick method
04 Dec 2022, 09:26


I am using the optimisation tool to get the optimum parameters for my bot but now and again some of the passes are getting stuck in a continuous loop in the ontick method whereas generally it runs as expected. Has anyone experienced this before? Is there something I can do within the ontick method to prevent this?




04 Dec 2022, 09:57


jaydcrowe1989 said:


I am using the optimisation tool to get the optimum parameters for my bot but now and again some of the passes are getting stuck in a continuous loop in the ontick method whereas generally it runs as expected. Has anyone experienced this before? Is there something I can do within the ontick method to prevent this?



Sorted it. One of my parameters was set to 0 which was causing the code to try and continually move the stop loss
