Move Stop Loss for all open trades to a specific price

Created at 04 Dec 2022, 00:16
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Joined 30.09.2022

Move Stop Loss for all open trades to a specific price
04 Dec 2022, 00:16


I am trying to come up with a logic that will move the stop loss for all open positions to a certain price once a specific condition is met. 

Kindly assist.



16 Dec 2022, 11:41


Hello jwandia2022,

Do you want to apply the same stop loss to all open positions or only to some of the positions based on their label, symbol, etc?

Be careful if you have open positions with different symbols since, in this case, different stop loss prices apply.


jwandia2022 said:


I am trying to come up with a logic that will move the stop loss for all open positions to a certain price once a specific condition is met. 

Kindly assist.


