How to build an indicator in a cbot with DataSeries

Created at 08 Nov 2022, 20:02
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Joined 30.09.2022

How to build an indicator in a cbot with DataSeries
08 Nov 2022, 20:02


I'm just curious since I have tried building out an indicator in a cbot with the parameters below but errors keep on coming time and again. How can one call these indicator parameters to the cbot on the OnStart section? I have added my own version on the OnStart but this does not seem to work.



From Indicator
public class xyz : Indicator

public DataSeries High { get; set; }
public DataSeries Low { get; set; }
[Parameter("Strength", DefaultValue = 5, MinValue = 1)]
public int strength { get; set; }

To Cbot
Indicator Declarations
private xyz ss;

On Start Indicator BuildOut
=======>       ss = indicators.GetIndicator<xyz>(High,Low,5)  <=====================



09 Nov 2022, 09:24

RE: How to build an indicator in a cbot with DataSeries


The two errors I'm getting while building out the indicator in the cbot are:

  1. Error CS0103: The name 'High' does not exist in the current context
  2. Error CS0103: The name 'Low' does not exist in the current context




09 Nov 2022, 16:08

Hi there,

It's better to share the complete cBot and Indicator code so that we can advise.

Aieden Technologies

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11 Nov 2022, 13:30



Found a solution already from one of the forums. Thank you.


