How to find or select positions by label prefix ?

Created at 06 Sep 2022, 08:00
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Joined 12.02.2015

How to find or select positions by label prefix ?
06 Sep 2022, 08:00

I want to use Position.Find or Positions,FindAll function. Then i want to find label by prefix. For example i named my positions EURUSD_Buy EURUSD_Sell but i need to find all positions started with "EURUSD" prefix. 


06 Sep 2022, 08:23

Hi MongolTrader,

Use the below instead

 Positions.Where(p => p.SymbolName == EURUSD_Buy)

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06 Sep 2022, 08:55


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi MongolTrader,

Use the below instead

 Positions.Where(p => p.SymbolName == EURUSD_Buy)

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I mean find by EURUSD prefix not full name search. It means select all positions started with "eurusd" preifx


06 Sep 2022, 09:57

Hi MongolTrader,

Then use Contains function instead

Positions.Where(p => p.SymbolName.Contains("EURUSD_Buy"))

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