Problem when using ctrader 4.2 with visual studio 2022

Created at 09 Aug 2022, 07:06
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Problem when using ctrader 4.2 with visual studio 2022
09 Aug 2022, 07:06

Hi  all,

I have a robot which reference to DMA indicator. 

Indicator location is correct and compiled without any problem.

Robot can compile normally in Ctrader 4.2 but it is failed when compile using visual studio 2022, following picture is error code

Ctrader 4.2

Visual studio community 2022, 64 bit

Could you help me identifying these errors?


09 Aug 2022, 08:18

Hi mage,

Try adding the indicator project manually to the solution.

Best Regards,


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09 Aug 2022, 08:37


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi mage,

Try adding the indicator project manually to the solution.

Best Regards,


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Hi PanagiotisCharalampous, 

Thanks for your suggestion. It works now.

So using reference option in Ctrader does not work automatically?


09 Aug 2022, 08:38

Hi mage,

It should. We will check it.

Best Regards,


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