installing "code snippet studio" on VS.2019

Created at 17 May 2022, 22:00
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installing "code snippet studio" on VS.2019
17 May 2022, 22:00

hi there. i hope i am in the right section here.

i am trying to install "code snippet studio" on my visual studio 2019 in order to be able to work with "ctrader code snippets" like shown in the video below on time-code 1:30min. But i can not find "code snippet studio" like it is described in the video. i even tried over google but it seems to work only on vs 2015. bc after downloading it i was not able to install it.

furthermore i didn´t really understand where i do get the "ctrader code snippets"  folder with its snippets like shown by minute 3:45.

do i have to download them from somewhere?

thank you.



18 May 2022, 10:24


It's a Visual studio extension, not related to cTrader at all.

I searched on Visual Studio market place for this extension and it looks like it's an old extension that only supports Visual Studio 2015.

There are alternatives for it: Search results - snippet | Visual Studio , Visual Studio Marketplace
