Queueing multiple optimisation runs

Created at 11 May 2022, 14:43
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Joined 05.01.2022

Queueing multiple optimisation runs
11 May 2022, 14:43


Is it possible to que multiple runs of optimisations? I have some bots that I would like to test on multiple currencies/commodities at different times frames etc. My PC works pretty good with 2 or 3  bots in optimisation, but slows down pretty heavy after that (CPU=5900X).

Is there a way to set it so the optimisations just run after each other? Instead of running them all at once? This way I can just set them over night or during the day to run through.




12 May 2022, 09:05


There is no way to do this via API or programmatically.

You can open a thread on suggestions section for such a feature.
