Guidance and Thoughts Requested

Created at 05 Apr 2022, 21:06
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Joined 21.03.2014

Guidance and Thoughts Requested
05 Apr 2022, 21:06

Hi All,

I've had strategy ideas burning a hole in my brain (for about 8 years judging by my last posts here!!!). I come back and dabble occasionally, then get distracted with, well, life! 

Basically, I'm beginner level C# (know enough to know what I want to do and figure out how to do it - after a while), I seem to have forgotten all cAlgo structure/approaches/nuances/workarounds, and I have a reasonable grasp of basic forex principles.

For this tranche of dabbling I have a few questions:

  • I know I need to do a lot of learning and experimentation, but is it even worth committing serious time to? Do people ever make enough money to do this full time, or is it at best, better than/equal to returns on typical investments? What are peoples experiences here?
  • I need to develop my C#, Python and R anyway, so first point aside and treating this purely as learning exercise, where do you even (re)start?
    • Pick a timeframe/overall objectives?
    • Pick a strategy or collection of strategies to try?
    • With all the indicators and cBots available here, are there any general pointers on what combinations of indicators offer the best results over different timeframes - I mean what's generally accepted community knowledge, I understand the finer points and finessing of these is likely peoples secret sauce. But any pointers that could save me (and any future readers) from having to sift through everything, would be a huge help.

The idea hurting my brain is using exported backtest data to train a number of ML models and then make API calls to get predictive data back to inform positions, I have the framework for this working - but suffice it to say that currently I feel like I have level 5 cAlgo skills and level 90 ideas, hence the questions above.

Thank you.
