BackTesting - Delay or Freeze after running through data

Created at 26 Sep 2021, 21:39
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BackTesting - Delay or Freeze after running through data
26 Sep 2021, 21:39

Whenever backtesting lengthier data the whole cTrader client is prone to freezing or delay once the backtest has reached end date. Delay happens after every backtest, mostly the same length. Freeze/Infinite delay happens when interacting with the client or trying to stop the backtest.

I found that if I minimize the client after starting the backtest, and don't interact with it until I see in task manager that it no longer is using CPU heavily, I can avoid freezing or indefinite delay.

My question is, if this is something that is to be expected. Can I do something regarding the delay ? What is happening from the point when backtest reaches end date and the time when I can run the backtest again ?



27 Sep 2021, 08:09

Hi akudzmanas,

Can you please share more information with us so that we can reproduce and investigate? We would need the following

  1. cBot code
  2. cBot parameters
  3. Backtesting dates
  4. Broker

Best Regards,


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27 Sep 2021, 19:22 ( Updated at: 27 Sep 2021, 19:55 )

Before anything, may I ask what does the client do after it has reached the end date of backtest ?

Could I contact you privately regarding the info Sir ? I do not wish to put the details out publicly here.


28 Sep 2021, 08:28

Hi akudzmanas,

There are several tasks taking place at the end of the backtest. Feel free to send the relevant info at

Best Regards,


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12 Sep 2023, 23:53

Just spotted this thread. 

As I reported in my own thread, I'm experiencing the same thing.

My script is simply streaming the ticks for a single symbol to run some simple analysis of the spread.

Then it writes out half a dozen lines to the Log from the OnStop() handler. 

Couldn't be simpler.The bot is not trading, so nothing for CTrader to analyse there.

For short runs of a few weeks, the pause is around 100 secs. For longer runs, the pause can be truly painful - I have to leave the client running in the background and get on with something else.

I have a Win 10 Pro workstation with 24 cores and 96 GB of memory, so it's not a resource issue. Running the script barely registers on the Resource Monitor.

There surely must be something wrong here? With a workstation of this power it's hard to imagine what the client could be doing that would take so long.
