Re-integration with Visual Studio

Created at 11 Oct 2014, 11:33
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Joined 21.03.2014

Re-integration with Visual Studio
11 Oct 2014, 11:33


I've removed VS2012 and replaced with VS2013. When I click 'edit in visual studio' nothing happens. How do I re-run the integration?



13 Oct 2014, 09:26 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


Try to install it from Extension and Updates (Tools->Extensions and Updates->Online)



badmonkeyface said:


I've removed VS2012 and replaced with VS2013. When I click 'edit in visual studio' nothing happens. How do I re-run the integration?




13 Oct 2014, 21:33

I was able to install the extension using the above process however still nothing happens when I click edit in visual studio.

Any clues?



14 Oct 2014, 10:24

You can try to remove the following registry key: Software\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\10.0\\ExtensionManager\\EnabledExtensions\\2c72cc50-6c69-4b16-b1f4-ab470673f284,1.4



14 Oct 2014, 20:40


Yep, that worked. It's under HKCU for anyone else reading this.

Spotware said:

You can try to remove the following registry key: Software\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\10.0\\ExtensionManager\\EnabledExtensions\\2c72cc50-6c69-4b16-b1f4-ab470673f284,1.4




30 Aug 2015, 14:39


badmonkeyface said:


I've removed VS2012 and replaced with VS2013. When I click 'edit in visual studio' nothing happens. How do I re-run the integration?



I had similar issue with Visual Studio Community 2015. It refused to install the VSIX, and did not show it in the VS under Tools>Extensions and Updates>Online . 

I found the "cBots and Custom Indicators" VSIX package on the visual studio gallery website, and downloaded it. 

I then used 7zip to open the archive, and used it to edit the extension.vsixmanifest file as outlined here.

I added the following entries to the extension.vsixmanifest file under the </SupportedProducts> tag and got it to work (only one of the entries is sufficient, but I didn't check which):

<VisualStudio Version="11.0">
      <VisualStudio Version="12.0">
      <VisualStudio Version="13.0">
      <VisualStudio Version="14.0">
      <VisualStudio Version="15.0">

    I also suggested Spotware add it to the VSIX.

All the best


30 Aug 2015, 16:06

this should be a sticky in the forum, its very important. nice job.


30 Aug 2015, 17:12

Paul_Hayes said:

this should be a sticky in the forum, its very important. nice job.

Thanks Paul

30 Aug 2015, 19:51

The hack doesn't work on Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise.


30 Aug 2015, 22:19


moneybiz said:

The hack doesn't work on Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise.

Try changing the work "Community" to "Enterprise" where appropriate 


30 Aug 2015, 22:26


I did it before replying to your message. It didn't work.

Community, Pro, Enterprise...

.NET Min, Max values also didn't effect.

Only difference is I did it on the .vsix file where cAlgo.exe is.


aharonzbaida said:

moneybiz said:

The hack doesn't work on Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise.

Try changing the work "Community" to "Enterprise" where appropriate 



05 Apr 2021, 06:31

same problem but I had VS 2019

So, I had the same problem. When i went to click edit in VS cTrader did nothing. I was troubleshooting a problem with debugging in 2019.  I uninstalled all the extension using the extension manager in VS. Note: I had community and enterprise versions for 2019 and 2017. i figured it would trigger the extension installer when I clicked edit in VS using cTrader.  It did not. Turns out using the info above, I had a registry entry under \VisualStudio\11\ExtensionManager\EnabledExtensions\<same number as above>.  Once I deleted it, ctrader launched the installer.
