trading to a specific time

Created at 25 Feb 2021, 15:07
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Joined 20.07.2020

trading to a specific time
25 Feb 2021, 15:07

Dear Panagiotis,

I would like to trade 10 min before NY close, independ if it is EST or EDT in New York.

I have set timezone to EasternStandard and tradetime to 4:50 pm. That works great - and it adjustes automaiclly to EDT at the beginning of March and back in November.

My question is:

Have I choosen the right way to achive the trading 10 min before NY close or is there a way you would like to recommend, which take normal / wintertime and summer / daylightsavingtime into account?

Kindest regards,


01 Mar 2021, 10:55

Hi xabbu,

It sounds correct to me!

Best Regards,


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01 Mar 2021, 12:34

Thank you very much, Panagiotis!

So EST changes automaticlly to EDT second Sunday in March and back at the beginning of November? No need to adjust the timeshift by me and code?

Best regards,


01 Mar 2021, 15:20

Hi xabbu,

Yes it should adjust automatically.

Best Regards,


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