No Data from GetMarketSeries

Created at 04 Sep 2014, 02:51
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Joined 23.01.2014

No Data from GetMarketSeries
04 Sep 2014, 02:51


With IC Markets

No data on at least the demo for monthly on all silver and gold related pairs when using the GetMarketSeries method.

I have not checked live data though.


04 Sep 2014, 03:07

Just checked the live data as well, it is the same. cTrader charting is fine, but GetMarketSeries on monthly for metals is returning zero data.


04 Sep 2014, 17:57

Please Refresh charts for those symbols and try again


04 Sep 2014, 19:14



That was the first thing I tried, however I will again.

In an automated situation with a multi symbol/timeframe setup I should not have to manually refresh anything. If the GetMarketSeries method returns no data it should correct it automatically.


04 Sep 2014, 19:17

Ok, the XAG/XAU vs Euro monthly symbols have less than 20 periods, is this intended?


05 Sep 2014, 09:50

GetSeries method must return the same amount of trendbars as you can see in the live chart. Please ask your broker to provide more trendbars for monthly timeframe.
