Referencing specific Bars

Created at 26 Jan 2021, 21:06
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Joined 26.11.2020

Referencing specific Bars
26 Jan 2021, 21:06

HI, I was just wondering if there is a way to reference back to a specific bar instead of just .last(x)?


26 Jan 2021, 21:18 ( Updated at: 26 Jan 2021, 21:30 )


jackhpfilerrowson said:

HI, I was just wondering if there is a way to reference back to a specific bar instead of just .last(x)?

I use the .Count where the zero Count is the earliest bar in the history and as new bars form the .Count increases.

I use this so I can assign charts to a specific Count that doesn't change (unless more history is loaded after the bot is started by scrolling).

Can't find a better example then the below atm sorry. 

Basically declare: Bars series0 = MarketData.GetBars(Daily);

and then you can use series0.Count which is for a specific bar that doesn't change.



27 Jan 2021, 00:18


Thanks for the reply Prosteel1, Ill give that a go

