ExecuteMarketOrder obsolote?

Created at 27 Dec 2020, 15:24
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ExecuteMarketOrder obsolote?
27 Dec 2020, 15:24

Hello Team,

I am trying to build the first example (A simple cBot with a successful result.) from the cBot Code Samples in Visual Studion 2019 Community:


In the tooltip inside VIsual Studio:

Tooltip VS 2019

I am getting the message, claiming that ExecuteMarketOrder is obsolete. A link is given:


But this URL is without content. Do you know something about this method and where I can find details about it? Thank you


28 Dec 2020, 09:44

Hi SafeInvest,

ExecuteMarketOrder is not obsolete, only the specific method signature you are trying to use. You can find the current signatures here.

 Best Regards,


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