get the ATR value from other currency with that the cBot is running

Created at 18 Dec 2020, 16:16
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get the ATR value from other currency with that the cBot is running
18 Dec 2020, 16:16

Dear Panagiotis,

how do I get access to the ATR value of another currency than that the actual instance is running on?

Say that the instance is EURUSD but I want to check the actual ATR value for GBPCHF?

Can I please ask you again for a little assistance? What is the correct line of code to get it?

Kindest regards,



19 Dec 2020, 15:30

AverageTrueRange _atr = Indicators.AverageTrueRange(MarketData.GetBars(TimeFrame.Daily, "GBPCHF"), 13, MovingAverageType.Exponential);


Change the parameter values as desired


19 Dec 2020, 19:41

thank you very much, FireMyst, for your hind - I will implement and test it, kindest regards


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