Request for Clarification: Partial Fill

Created at 18 Dec 2020, 15:56
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Joined 06.08.2020

Request for Clarification: Partial Fill
18 Dec 2020, 15:56

Dear all,

I would like to exactly understand the behavior of partial filling for both methods ExecuteMartketRangeOrderAsync() and PlaceLimitOrderAsync():

  1. What happens to remaining (unfilled) volume if my order is partially filled? Will it remain in the order book and can be filled at a later stage? Or will it be canceled?
  2. Will the callback methods be called upon every partial fill? Or only the first one?

For more context: I am asking question 1 with the underlying thought of whether I have to manually take care of the rest of my volume or cTrader will handle it for me and split my order into various smaller positions. Question 2 refers to whether I can take care of all positions created with the above methods through the callback methods or better through subscription to the Positions.Opened event.

Thanks in advance for the clarification,



21 Dec 2020, 16:27

Hi honeybadger,

Market range orders are IOC orders, hence cancelled if not executed immediately. Limit orders are GTC orders therefore they stay till filled or cancelled. When a limit order is partially filled, you will get following events.
For the first fill, when the position is created:

  1. PendingOrders.Modified
  2. PendingOrders.Filled
  3. Positions.Opened

For subsequent fills:

  1. PendingOrders.Modified
  2. PendingOrders.Filled
  3. Positions.Modified

Best Regards,


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24 Dec 2020, 03:55

Very helpful information, thanks a lot, Panagioti, and happy holidays!
