TimeFrame Minutes

Created at 20 Aug 2020, 16:13
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Joined 19.09.2018

TimeFrame Minutes
20 Aug 2020, 16:13

Is there a property / quick method to know how many minutes a TimeFrame has?

I right now I do it in the following way:

var minutes = (Bars [1] .OpenTime - Bars [0] .OpenTime) .TotalMinutes;

// this would be ideal
var m = TimeFrame.Minutes;


21 Aug 2020, 08:22

Hi bienve.pf,

There is no other way at the moment. Your solution should work fine.

Best Regards,


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21 Aug 2020, 12:09


bienve.pf said:

Is there a property / quick method to know how many minutes a TimeFrame has?

I right now I do it in the following way:

var minutes = (Bars [1] .OpenTime - Bars [0] .OpenTime) .TotalMinutes;

// this would be ideal
var m = TimeFrame.Minutes;

this will work on 99.999% of the times, But if it is mission critical .....

On smaller timeframes (e.g. M1) there is not always a tick in every timeframe
=thus=> not a OnBar on every timeframe
=thus=> Bars [1] .OpenTime - Bars [0] .OpenTime could be 2 or more minutes apart!!!


Therefor a TimeFrame Native function like TotalSeconds() would be nice!
