Ctrader or Metatrader?

Created at 28 Jun 2020, 19:18
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Joined 28.06.2020

Ctrader or Metatrader?
28 Jun 2020, 19:18


After Years of Trading I want to start Automate trading now. There seem to be 2 options for me: Using Ctrader or MT. 

For manual trading, it's easier to work with ctrader. But the question is, if it's true for CBots? As I'm not familiar with Programming I have to learn MQL5 for MT or C# for Ctrader and  I don't want to invest time and then regret choosing one of them. 

It seems to be harder to find relevant videos on YouTube for Ctrader. But as I watched videos about MQL5, it seems to be easy to use it. So my first question is, is it to do the same to write a bot in Ctrader (as I won't be an expert in programming). The other question is, if there is an official source to find how to adjust my programming knowledge, to what is relevant for writing bots?(If it's even needed). And how easy is it to get a support if I get problem?

Thanks for your answer. 



29 Jun 2020, 10:39

In my opinion, cTrader is far superior in terms of a modern platform and the fact it uses an industry-standard programming language Microsoft C# with the .NET framework, starting out creating automated trading systems is also much easier using cTrader. The internet is full of free tutorials to help you learn how to use C# .


We have an algorithmic trading school although a bit dated now, it will help you get started.


You can find some resources to help you with Microsoft C# here:


You can find out more about the cTrader API here:


Also recently there are many Telegram Community Groups that you can join to help you with your programming questions as well as Spotware's forum where you can post your code for help


Paul Hayes
Sales & Marketing
Phone: (44) 203 289 6573

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PS: Why not join our instant chat group on Telegram.


29 Jun 2020, 10:52

Learn C# and you will be able to start developing a cTrader cBot or indicator in a couple of hours, there are lots of resources available to learn C# online and the amount of C# resources aren't comparable with MQL at all.

Another advantage of learning C# instead of platform-specific languages like MQL is you can apply your C# knowledge on anything in future, you can use a different trading platform like NT or in case you are serious about algo trading you can develop your algos directly linked with a broker API instead of using any platform at all.

Why waste your time on something that might not be available in the next few years? if you learn C# you can develop trading algos for all kinds of markets and platforms and as a programmer for me its much easier to write C# code than writing MQL code.

Learning C# gives you lots of more opportunities in life, and it's a great skill to have.
