Forwarding from Syntax

Created at 05 Jun 2020, 20:56
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Joined 05.06.2020

Forwarding from Syntax
05 Jun 2020, 20:56

Dear All

i been advised by an person in Admin from main channel in Discord to place my inquiry here

i hope someone can help as i know there is a lot of smart people here

i have a Trigger which works great from TV . i send this to Profitview where i placed my syntax to excecute this 

now i have some mates who piggy bag on my signals and i like to setup a system or bot or something where i can forward my single signal from there to a webhook or Bot where my friends and future other can subscribe and then add their API in there so they will automatically get forwarded my Syntax from Profit-view and trigger on their personal platform 

i hope i make a little sense and i also hope someone wil be able to assist accordingly on my inquest .. 

Thank you all in advance 

