Looking for a perfect cbot

Created at 04 Nov 2019, 11:23
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Joined 31.07.2019

Looking for a perfect cbot
04 Nov 2019, 11:23

Hi Friends,


I am looking for a perfect cbot/Algo which can perform well (10%-15% monthly) and a DD upto 35%, is there any with good support ? 


06 Nov 2019, 02:17


vikkineshwar said:

Hi Friends,


I am looking for a perfect cbot/Algo which can perform well (10%-15% monthly) and a DD upto 35%, is there any with good support ? 

Of course there is. That's why everyone has time to be on these forums -- their copy of the bot is running, bringing in money for them while everyone else in the world has to work. ;-)


07 Nov 2019, 10:23


If you are not able to trade manually profitable then a robot won't help. Bots are here to assits us, not to do all the work, it is not possblie. So, before looking for a bot, learn to trade manually. 

This is my advice!

Good luck!

vikkineshwar said:

Hi Friends,


I am looking for a perfect cbot/Algo which can perform well (10%-15% monthly) and a DD upto 35%, is there any with good support ? 

