Exclude a specific month from trading in cBot

Created at 27 Sep 2019, 03:57
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Joined 11.10.2016

Exclude a specific month from trading in cBot
27 Sep 2019, 03:57


how can I exclude a specific month from trading in a cBot.

Actually I want to exclude: January, May, September

I have been trying to call the month by using:

var Maggio = Server.TimeInUtc.Month.Equals("May");

and I know its wrong

I need it for BackTesting 

any help please !!!


27 Sep 2019, 06:30

Found It !!!

            var January = Server.TimeInUtc.Month.Equals(1);
            var May = Server.TimeInUtc.Month.Equals(5);
            var September = Server.TimeInUtc.Month.Equals(9);



       if (!January && !May && !September)



Thanks anyway !!!!
