Visual Studio 2019 Support Workaround

Created at 27 Jun 2019, 03:50
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Joined 28.03.2019

Visual Studio 2019 Support Workaround
27 Jun 2019, 03:50

As of today, most cTrader brokers upgraded cTrader to 3.5, cTrader 3.5 brings new API and new look, good job Spotware!

If you are a prorammer, it's a good time to move to Visual Studio 2019! But cTrader does not officially support Visual Studio 2019.

Short version: Simply download cTrader 3.5 Automate extension for Visual Studio 2019 from this page, double click on it to install the Visual Studio plug in, then you will be able to develop cBots and indicators in Visual Studio 2019.

Long version if you want to do everything from scratch: The workaround is to modify the VSExtension.vsix file. Try to install the extension to Visual Studio 2019. You will get an error message, but when you see the error message, it's a good time to see the location of the VSExtension.vsix file. You simple need to unzip the VSExtension.vsix file (yes, the .vsix file is just a zip file, you can unzip it with 7-Zip or simply change extension to .zip), then you need to modify the following three files: catalog.json, extension.vsixmanifest and manifest.json. Just remove "16.0" from all three documents, then save all three documents, then zip all the files together, then change extension back to .vsix. Then simply double click on the file to install it.
