Robot execution error

Created at 19 Nov 2012, 14:04
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Joined 28.06.2012

Robot execution error
19 Nov 2012, 14:04


-         When I start to use cAlgo more than half a year, there was no problem with the execution time of the robots.

-         Nowadays, I use 2 robots with all 25 instances (one of robot with 12 instances, and the other with 13 instances)

-         I use cAlgo in two different cities, on two different computers, and with two different internet service providers, but none of them works properly.

-         When the time comes to new candle opens (timeframe 12 hours), the cAlgo fully crashes, the internet connection lost and my robots are not working.

-         At this time, in case of 90% of executions has got error message „technical error”. For me it’s a meaningless message, because I don’t know what the real cause of failure. In such cases, I have to open new positions manually, that takes 30-40 minutes because during this time the connection with server interrupted every minute. Where are the opening prices at this time?! Please try to tell me what is the problem? Maybe the instances are too much, or the internet too slow (30/3 Mbps), or my computers are weak (Intel i3, 4GB RAM, WinXP), or what?

-         Previously I shared my code of robots with the support but I don’t get feedback that the code has error. And Support said that working to solve the problem, and in next release will be good, but nothing was happened.


I’m telling you very seriously, I like this cAlgo, because very innovative, packed with great features, and user friendly, and Support also good, but trade execution for me is extremely poor!

Please help me to find the reason of issues and solve that.

And my last question. Another user has similar problem or I’m alone with this?



19 Nov 2012, 14:27



We truly apologize for this inconvenience you are experiencing. If you could, please send us the code of your robots and we will investigate the issue promptly.



19 Nov 2012, 15:07

Are you logged in to two different instances of cAlgo with the same account? Also, which version of cAlgo are you using is it Spotware cAlgo for instance?



19 Nov 2012, 15:33

Currently I use FxPro UK cAlgo ver. 1.0.16, but previously I tried FxPro cAlgo (not UK), and also tried Spotware cAlgo... but more or less with similar result. Maybe Spotware cAlgo was little better. I didn’t know that is relevant which version of cAlgo is running on my computer… Is it relevant? Which one you recommend?

And no, I don’t logged in to two different instances of cAlgo with the same account at the same time. But, as I mentioned previously I tried all version of cAlgo (UK, Spotware, not UK) then each version I logged in.


19 Nov 2012, 16:01

Thank you. You may start a conversation with us at in order to send us your algorithms to investigate if you like. This will expedite our tests so that we can better assist you.

The reason we asked you for the version is for our testing purposes. 

