Lots size of my positions and history of cTrader accounts are incorrect (putted to 0.00) in myfxbook.com

Created at 08 Jun 2019, 08:28
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Lots size of my positions and history of cTrader accounts are incorrect (putted to 0.00) in myfxbook.com
08 Jun 2019, 08:28


I add my cTrader DEMO Accounts (trading Indices and Shares with cBots) to myfxbook.com account buts I found that Lots size are incorrect, set to 0 (generally my trades are with 1 Indices), I open a Feedback at myfxbook.com (they said that cTrader API returns 0.00 in Lots) cf. screen-shots .

Please can you resolve this issue.


  Best Regards,



10 Jun 2019, 10:08

Hi aboukerker,

You should contact myfxbook.com regarding this issue.

Best Regards,



15 Jun 2019, 20:18 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )


I sent an email to the support of myfxbook.com and he below their answer, can you investigate on your side please or see with myfxbook team.

  Best Regards,
