Need of Optimisation!

Created at 12 Oct 2013, 05:24
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Joined 07.10.2013

Need of Optimisation!
12 Oct 2013, 05:24


I find it quite weird to have an algorithmic platform without

1. The ability to optimise my robots.

2. The option to import my own historical data.


It feels as an unfinished product to me. cTrader feels finished, but cAlgo not unfortunately. Please finish cAlgo to be on par with industry set standard.

Thank you.



14 Oct 2013, 11:49

Both robot optimization and importing of historical data will be implemented.


28 May 2014, 17:14


Spotware said:

Both robot optimization and importing of historical data will be implemented.



i see your reply was in october 2013 - is optimisation still in the works?




28 May 2014, 17:23

We will start to implement optimization soon.


07 Oct 2014, 22:44


Spotware said:

We will start to implement optimization soon.

Great to see some optimization features have now been implemented.  For me, this makes the cAlgo offering a much more powerful option than it was previously.

However, is it possible to download the optimization data for further analysis?

Right now, I don't see a way to mine the optimization data, which is very limiting.

Specifically I would like to be able to EITHER:

  1. Download the optimisation results, complete with parameters so I can use third party anaylsis tools
  2. See more powerful data mining features on the cAlgo GUI
    1. For example, 3D graphing of input parameters against outcomes

Do you plan to implement anything like this in the near future?

Alternatively, I note there is a GetFitness method that can be overridden - has anyone tried to use this to build their own optimisation results database by saving the results of each optimisation run at the OnStop event?  I think I'll give this a go myself so would be interested in any comments on the idea.


08 Oct 2014, 09:33

However, is it possible to download the optimization data for further analysis?

It is not possible at the moment.

Specifically I would like to be able to EITHER:

  1. Download the optimisation results, complete with parameters so I can use third party anaylsis tools
  2. See more powerful data mining features on the cAlgo GUI
    1. For example, 3D graphing of input parameters against outcomes

Do you plan to implement anything like this in the near future?

Yes, we plan to implement such functionality in the future.
