why do my question erase?
Created at 03 Oct 2013, 18:47
why do my question erase?
03 Oct 2013, 18:47
why do my question erase?!!!
am i a bad man?!
08 Oct 2013, 17:59
hosseinkhorshidi said:
why do my question erase?!!!
am i a bad man?!
Dear Trader,
Posts are not erased. In case the message is removed there will be a message that the post has been removed by the moderator due to a violation(s) of the EULA, in it's place.
We have not found any posts by you that have been removed. You might have clicked the cancel button instead of Submit by accident.
04 Oct 2013, 17:22
you,re not a bad man.. :)
There is rules we have to follow when participating on the forum. One for example is, its not permitted to mention a specific broker.
You can read more on this link /legal-notices/
To clarify it more for us members I suggest that Spotware make a section on the forum about the rules.